Unraveling the intricate interplay: Exploring the impact of hormonal dysregulation on Obesity and Overweight among women of child bearing age in the Enugu Nigeria Metropolis
January 09-10, 2024 | Webinar

Chinaza C. Ojukwu

Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


Obesity and overweight have become major global public health issues, notably in the Enugu, Nigeria metropolis. A key factor in the onset and progression of many disorders is hormonal imbalance. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms and offer insights into the prevalence and causes of obesity and overweight among women of child bearing age in Enugu Nigeria metropolis, this paper presents a thorough investigation into the complex interactions between hormones, metabolism and body weight regulation. Statement of Problem: The prevalence of obesity and overweight has posed a public health concern among women of child bearing age in Enugu Nigeria metropolis which has negatively impacted the healthcare system and has led to increase in non-communicable diseases. There is paucity of information on the specific role of hormone dysregulation in the development of obesity and overweight. However, this study aimed at examining the intricate link between hormones and the prevalence of obesity and overweight among women of child bearing age in Enugu Nigeria metropolis. Methodology and Theoretical Orientation: This study employed a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather quantitative data from adult women of childbearing age living in the Enugu, Nigeria metropolis. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated using anthropometric parameters such as age, weight and height. Hormonal assays and dietary evaluations were carried out to analyze body weight status, hormonal profiles and dietary habits. Discussions in focus groups and in-depth interviews gave qualitative insights into the societal influences on obesity and overweight. The social-ecological framework which acknowledges the multilayer influences on health behavior and outcomes serves as the theoretical basis for this study. Findings: evidence from the study suggested that hormonal dysregulation negatively impacts the body weight and BMI of the studied population hence the prevalence of obesity and overweight among the population. By examining hormonal profiles and their associations with body weight status, the study uncovered potential mechanisms underlying weight gain and related metabolic disturbances. Additionally, qualitative data provided insights into socio-cultural factors such as dietary habits, physical activity patterns and psycho-social influences that interact with hormonal dysregulation to contribute to obesity and overweight in this population. Conclusion: The results of this study helped to clarify the intricate relationships between metabolic dysregulation, hormonal dysregulation and the prevalence of obesity and overweight among women of childbearing age in the Enugu Nigeria metropolis. In order to address factors like hormonal dysregulation, sociocultural determinants and lifestyle modifications that contribute to obesity and overweight for prevention and management among the studied population, the results have provided evidence that is crucial for the development of targeted interventions and public health strategies.

Biography :

Ojukwu Chinaza Cynthia is a dedicated researcher and recent BSc graduate of Economics from the Institute of Management and Technology in Enugu, Nigeria. She has focused her research efforts on understanding the complex factors contributing to the global health concern of obesity and overweight given her passion for addressing this issue of public health concern. Her commitment to tackling obesity has fuelled her active collaborations with professional bodies and participation in relevant conferences in order to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. Cynthia is an active member of the Nigerian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (NSEM), a leading professional association dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of endocrine disorders including obesity. Through her involvement with NSEM, she has gained valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of obesity and has had the opportunity to collaborate with experts and professionals in the field.