He Fang
Accepted Abstracts: J Vaccines Vaccin
Th e nature of infl uenza virus to randomly mutate and evolve into new types with diverse antigenic determinants is an important challenge in the control of infl uenza infection. Particularly, variations within the amino acid sequences of major neutralizing epitopes of infl uenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) hindered the development of universal vaccines against H5N1 lineages. Based on distribution analyses of the identifi ed major neutralizing epitopes of hemagglutinin, we selected three vaccine strains that cover the entire variants in the neutralizing epitopes among the H5N1 lineages. HA proteins of selected vaccine strains were expressed on the baculovirus surface (BacHA), and the preclinical effi cacy of the vaccine formulations was evaluated in a mouse model. Th e combination of three selected vaccine strains could eff ectively neutralize viruses from clades 1, 2.1, 2.2, 4, 7, and 8 of infl uenza H5N1 viruses. In contrast, a vaccine formulation containing only adjuvanted monovalent BacHA (mono-BacHA) or a single strain of inactivated whole viral vaccine was able to neutralize only clade 1 (homologous), clade 2.1, and clade 8.0 viruses. Th e present fi ndings provide a rationale for the development of a universal vaccine against H5N1 lineages. Furthermore, baculoviruses displaying HA will serve as an ideal choice for a vaccine in prepandemic or pandemic situations and expedite vaccine technology without the requirement of high-level-biocontainment facilities or tedious protein purifi cation processes.