Umarah Nisar
Armed forces Institute of Pathology, Pakistan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Thalassemia was first discovered in a child with severe anemia with characteristic bone changes. Thalassemia are divided into alpha and beta thalassemias. The alpha thalassemia results from deletion of alpha gene on chromosome 16 and beta thaassemias caused by genetic defect on chromosome 11 leading to complete absence or decreased synthesis of beta chain. The study was planned to document folate deficiency in patients of beta thalassemia trait at PAEC general hospital Islamabad. Bearing in mind that no such study has been carried out before. Reporting of folate deficiency in patients, beta thalassemia trait would be treated with folic acid so as to prevent anemia. Hence, our main aim and focus will be on patients with folate deficiency to be less anemic. The objective of this study was to determine frequency of folate deficiency in patients in beta thalassemia trait. One hundred and fourty five patents were studied 17 pts were positive. The sampling technique was convenient. As a result, among 145 patients, 17 percent were found to have folate deficiency. Study concluded that folate deficient patients in beta thalassemia trait would be treated with folic acid supplements.