Oksana Volod
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, USA
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
This is a brief description of what is TEG: The new look at TEG; an old test first developed in 1948 and until recently used almost exclusively in open heart and liver transplant procedures came after a series of revelations about the coagulation process. Clinicians already recognized that the classic coagulation cascade model with intrinsic and extrinsic pathways leading to haemostasis though admittedly complicated did not fully describe all the factors at work in vivo. Potential TEG and its modifications (rTEG and TEG platelet mapping) use as a global assay of haemostasis in various clinical settings will be discussed during this talk.
Email: Oksana.Volod@cshs.org