Thematic Phobooks system as a helpful visual tool focused on meanings related to a childas life
6th European Autism Congress
May 27-28, 2024 | Paris, France

Dina Veksler , Albania

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Thematic photobooks system is a creative and easy-to-apply technique which can be used with a wide range of people with various issues. With the sophistication of modern technology, there remains a strong need for connectivity and reciprocal communication methods vital to human interaction. These important and personal aspects of this approach cannot be underestimated. Thematic photobooks provide an opportunity to actively interact with the child from various positions. A professional, parent or other, using photographs and words can selectively focus on certain topics or content and develop a child’s understanding. Thematic photobooks about a child’s life and subsequent discussion, allows them to see their lives externally, which gives the child self-awareness, thereby placing them on a higher level of existence. Creating photobooks for other people to use brings extra meaning to work itself. Putting a camera in the hands of a child opens a huge variety of possibilities. The technique of thematic photobooks can be used individually or with small groups, to create a coherent learning process consisting of visual stages, which together allows them to cope alone, in the future. Giving the child an opportunity to use the camera to explore their environment, allows adults to become familiar with the characteristics of the child’s perception, allowing them to express themselves. One of the biggest challenges facing professionals and/or parents is understanding a child’s perception when their verbal and/or communication skills are impaired or absent. Thematic photobooks can be used limitlessly to actively engage children, benefiting them and those who are involved .

Biography :

Dina Veksler completed her Master degree in engenieering in ex-USSR, AAS in Early Childhood Education in the USA. She has been working with special children and psychiatric patients for Social Services system for about 20 years. Being a child’s photographer in the past she invented Thematic Photobooks system, which can work as a phototherapy. She published a few articles in academic journals in English and in Russian languages. Published some books on Amazon (under penname dana Madenich)