The use of play therapy with children at primary age
2nd International Conference on Adolescent Medicine and Child Psychology
October 06-07, 2016 London, UK

Kerry Collier

Crosspoint Family CIC, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Play therapy is undervalued and underutilized as a form of support for children of primary school age. There is a requirement to evidence that Play Therapy is effective when helping children to heal themselves. A pilot study has been commenced to evidence the effectiveness of Play Therapy. The study will use qualitative and quantitative methods of gathering information. Qualitative will be in the forms of a referral form and regular up-dates from the teaching staff and interviews with the carers, pre and post intervention. Quantitative will be in the forms of SDQ scores from the teacher, carer and the child, pre, mid-way and post intervention. At present the statistics gathered indicate that of all the children that have been referred for Play Therapy, 75% are not known to Social Services and the 25% who are known to Social Services have not been offered Play Therapy in the past. Play Therapists are vital within a Primary School setting as most children will attend school. In every School there are the harder to reach children, the children with emotional and behavioral problems, and so by including a Play Therapist within a School setting it could prevent children developing mental health problems, substance misuse problems and criminal behaviors.

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