The theory of transitions as a framework for patient care
9th Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare & 3rd International Conference on Psychiatry and Psychological Disorders & Plastic Surgery
September 14, 2022 | Webinar

Karasavvidou Elpida

Hellenic Open University, Greece

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: HCCR


Introduction: Nursing Transition Theory focuses on people who they fail to achieve healthy transitions between two disparate ones conditions. It aims at the biopsychosocial reframing of nursing of care by implementing effective interventions that facilitate the transitions from health to disease and vice versa. Purpose: The goal is to support health users to adopt healthy behaviors and acquire youth-related skills roles in the context of nursing care so that the respective transitions can they become functional and effective. Methods: Study and Review of Psychosocial Theory of Transitions as defined by Meleis (2007), of updates of it and its individual structural elements: 1. Types and patterns of transition 2. Characteristics of the transition experience 3. Transition conditions (facilitating and inhibitory) 4. Response patterns (progress indicators and endpoint indicators outcome) 5. Biopsychosocial Therapeutics Search bases data regarding research papers that use as a theoretical background the theory of transitions from 2007 onwards, in English language. Results: The Theory of Transitions is applied to refugees and immigrants, in intercultural transitions, in women with rheumatoid arthritis, in the development of the role of the family caregiver, in chemotherapy, in women entering menopause, in patients with slight memory loss, in the transition to the Third Age, in preparation of women for maternity, in the preparedness of operated patients for discharge from the hospital, in the adaptation of the elderly who they move from their home to the nursing home, but also to students who they enter from the academic environment to the professional. Conclusions: A health professional applying the biopsychosocial model of transitions orients care and service delivery health in supporting or educating people to undertake functional or effective transitions. Such are defined transitions that improve man's skills and attitudes in managing new conditions and newly-emerging health environment.