Luiz Fernando Loureiro Fernandes
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Department of Oceanography and Ecology, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aquac Res Development
Fishing decrease in coastal regions of Brazil due to overfishing and pollution have become a major concern for traditional fishermen that depends exclusively on this activity for their income. Several attempts have been made in recent years to establish projects (Governmental or Industry related) to give local fishermen conditions to remain in the activity, but the trawling by larger commercial fleet has increased in the past years reducing even more their capability to find fish. Brazilian environmental laws force polluting industries that operate in the coastal region to invest in compensation for local communities. In some cases, these industries establish projects to help traditional fishermen to increase their income in activities somewhat related, as the case of aquaculture. Although projects are elaborated, mostly with the support of the academia, a change in paradigm is a difficult step to achieve, trying to convince traditional fishermen to become aquaculturists. Many efforts have been made in the past years, including visits with these fishermen to established fish farms, showing them the feasibility of the activity, but the results have been disappointing. Most of the negative results are related to the readiness that the fishermen are accustomed to generate their income by capturing the fish and promptly selling them to different levels of the commercial fish productive chain. Even though this process is difficult, the struggle to convince fishermen that aquaculture is an excellent alternative to generate income is with its days counted due to more incisive measurements from local actors.
Luiz Fernando Loureiro Fernandes has completed his PhD in Oceanography from Texas A&M University, USA. He is a tenure professor at the Department of Oceanography and Ecology working with several aspects of aquaculture and plankton ecology and has been awarded an international prize on his work on aquaculture solutions for local fishermen at the Mercosul. He has published several papers dealing with major aspects of oceanography and is the leading scientist in some projects with Petrobras (Brazilian Oil and Gas Company).