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Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology
The route to nanomaterials manufacturing incorporating nanoparticle beam deposition
21st World Nanotechnology Congress
October 15-17, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Richard E Palmer

Swansea University, UK

Keynote: J Nanomed Nanotechnol


If we imagine a factory of the future in which nanoparticle beams are integrated into the production of advanced materials or devices, then a set of critical research challenges emerge for Cluster Beam Deposition (CBD). These include control of nanoparticle composition, size, quantity (scale-up), interaction with the support, response to the environment and performance validation. The prize is a set of applications ranging from water treatment and theranostics to catalysis and memristors. The cluster beam approach is green; it involves no solvents and no effluents; particles can be size-selected and challenging combinations of metals (nanoalloys) can readily be produced. Here we discuss four of these research challenges: Environment (temperature), scale-up, formulation engineering and Validation :(1) Environment: aberration-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) is used to investigate the behavior of deposited clusters at elevated temperatures, including structural transformations and (core and surface) melting. (2) Scale-up: Industrial catalysis R&D typically requires a gram of catalyst or 10 mg of clusters at 1% loading on a suitable catalyst support. The Matrix Assembly Cluster Source (MACS) is based on ion beam sputtering of a rare gas matrix into which metal atoms are pre-loaded. A scaleup of five orders of magnitude in cluster intensity has been achieved to date. (3) Formulation Engineering: We will discuss several means by which size-controlled clusters may be presented in a form matching the desired functional application, e.g., catalysis and theranostics. These examples of formulation engineering on the nanoscale include direct deposition of metal cluster beams onto powders. (4) Validation: Finally will illustrate the validation challenge to show that cluster-based functional materials are superior to more traditional advanced materials. We will focus on the hydrogenation (both gas and liquid phases) of organic molecules over or applications in the fine chemicals sector and on water splitting.

Biography :

Richard E Palmer is a Senior Research Fellow in the College of Engineering, Swansea University and Professor at Nanjing University’s School of Physics. His research is focused on nanomaterials, including scale-up and atomic structure/dynamics. He has received awards which include the IOP Boys Medal, an Honorary Doctorate from Hasselt University, the BVC Yarwood Medal and an EPSRC Senior Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the IOP, RSC and LSW. He has published ~400 papers and about 20 families of patent applications. He is Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Physics: X and Editor of the Elsevier Book Series ‘Frontiers of Nanoscience’.
