The new doctrine of acute pneumonia: A guaranteed way of prevention of purulent complications
Joint Event on 32nd International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization & 4th Annual Summit on Infancy, Child Nutrition & Development
November 09-10, 2018 | Atlanta, USA

Igor Klepikov

Emeritus Professor, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Vaccines Vaccin


Treatment of acute pneumonia (??) in recent decades focused solely on antibiotic therapy, does not include pathogenetic, specific methods of assistance and repeats the principles of treatment of other inflammatory diseases. Reducing the effectiveness of antimicrobial drugs, the emergence and the increasing number of antibiotic-resistant pathogens and a gradual increase in the frequency of purulent complications attach importance and urgency to the solution of this problem. The first step in this decision is a revision of ideas about the nature and mechanisms of ?P. This work has been done and tested in a clinical setting in the years 1976-1984 in Novokuznetsk State Institute for postgraduate doctors (USSR, Russia). The basis of the new doctrine ?P was based on the following scientific medical axioms, already having previous scientific justification. Analysis of the observation and treatment of 994 children with AP and it's various destructive and pleural complications. The revised treatment guidelines were applied in 101 patients in the initial period of aggressive forms of ?P. The received results allow speaking about the possibility of the guaranteed prevention of suppurative and destructive complications of the disease. A more detailed presentation and justification of the new doctrine AP, the results of these studies and clinical trials can be found in the published book: Igor Klepikov-"Acute pneumonia: A new look at the old problem", Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017, ISBN (978-3-330-35250-6). This book gives a detailed understanding of the unique mechanisms in the development of AP and the existing ways of influencing them in the direction of stimulation and inhibition. Materials give a real idea about the possibility of guaranteed prevention of suppurative and destructive complications of the disease.

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