The mental health demography and life-wellness coaching: Assessing and promoting mental health in higher education
Annual Congress on Mental Health
July 09-11, 2018 | Paris, France

Rhodius T Noguera

University of Bahrain, Bahrain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


The World Health Organization and UNICEF have raised the pressing concern about the debilitating problems related to mental health (MH). They have emphasized the campaign and implementation of mental health literacy (MHL) in all the sectors of the community, which includes the schools, colleges, and universities. However, with the alarming progressive increase of mental health problems worldwide, there seems to be a lack of awareness, implementation, and integration of MHL in the educational setting. Bearing in mind the vital role of the educational institutions in enlightening the society about MH, this study describes the mental health demography of college students, which can be used as a procedure to assess MH index of an educational insitution. And, reflecting upon the data, the paper proposes life-wellness coaching as an approach to promote and strengthen the awareness and practice of MH.

Biography :

Rhodius T Noguera has completed his PhD. He is a practicing Family Counselor and Clinical Psychologist. He is currently an Assistant Professor of University of Bahrain where he teaches educational psychology subjects with the pre-and-in-service teachers. His research focuses on mental health, life-wellness, cognition, and community psychology. He uses research to improve his practice and serve the best interest of his clients. He is also passionate on community development activities in the Philippines.
