Lia Monica Junie
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Keynote: J Bacteriol Parasitol
Background: The human Echinococcosis is still a serious problem for the public health in Romania, despite the measures taken for the prophylaxis of the disease. The surgery is no more a first choice treatment for human Echinococcosis. Aim: The objective was to make an early diagnosis of hydatidosis by serologic methods in early phases of the hydatic cyst, which are not detected by imagistic examinations. Material & Method: Were assessed 60 patients hospitalized in 2 surgical hospitals for surgical treatment. Ultrasonography, radiological examinations and established the diagnosis, which was confirmed during surgery. Results: The diagnosis of hydatidosis was established in both surgical clinics by echography (78.3%), echography and clinic exam (16.7%), computerized tomography (CT) (1.7%), CT and echography (3.3%), only by CT (in one case), being confirmed during surgery. The Hydatidosis represents a major problem for the public wealth, being responsible for 200 hospitalizations and surgical interventions annually, representing 0.6% of the total number of surgical interventions annually. Hepatic (71.5%) and pulmonary (15.5%) locations are frequent, leading by their chronic evolution to pseudotumoral signs, severe complications (1.5%), reserved prognosis (9.5%), especially in adults (14%) and even to death. Conclusions: The prophylaxis of hydatidosis is very important and has to be done by all meanings by the intensification of the mass popularization ways over the ways of contamination and the severe consequences of this disease named also ??white cancer?. The implementation of some surveillance post-surgery protocols of persons that suffered of surgery, by serologic tests and also by imagistic tests, may be good for the quality of the medical action and for the patient. In this activity we should imply the family??s doctors, the services that make serologic and imagistic diagnosis and also the surgical and the internal medicine services.
Lia Monica Junie is the Head of the Department, coordinating also, the activities of both Laboratory Medicine specialty resident doctors and PhD doctor’s thesis in the medicine field. She unfolds a fruitful national and international scientific activity as an experienced Microbiologist, having an impressive CV. She is a Member in the Board of Scientific Societies, Reviewer in many peer-reviewed journals, Expert of the Ministry of Education and Research and Evaluator. She coordinated research projects, published books and more than 200 scientific articles in prestigious journals.