The impact of mindfulness-based interventions on Weight Loss Management in individuals with Obesity
January 09-10, 2024 | Webinar

Chukwu M. Akunna

University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Nsukka, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


Obesity has become a significant global health concern, necessitating effective strategies for weight loss management. Conventional approaches focusing on diet and exercise have shown limited long-term success. As a result, there has been a growing interest in exploring alternative interventions, such as mindfulness-based approaches, to address the complex nature of obesity. This conference abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on weight loss management in individuals with obesity, highlighting the underlying mechanisms and presenting key findings from recent studies. The evidence suggests that mindfulness-based interventions can positively influence eating behaviours, self-regulation, body satisfaction, and stress management, thus enhancing weight loss efforts in individuals with obesity. Statement of Problem: Obesity is a complex and multifaceted health issue with significant physical, psychological, and social implications. Conventional weight loss approaches have shown limited effectiveness in the long-term management of obesity. Many individuals struggle with maintaining sustainable lifestyle changes, often due to challenges in self-regulation, emotional eating, and body dissatisfaction. Therefore, there is a critical need for innovative interventions that address the underlying psychological and behavioural factors contributing to obesity and improve weight loss outcomes. This abstract aims to explore the potential of mindfulness-based interventions as a promising approach to enhance weight loss management by targeting eating behaviours, self-regulation, body satisfaction, and stress management in individuals with obesity. Methods and Theoretical Orientation: A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted to synthesize current evidence on mindfulness-based interventions and their impact on weight loss management in individuals with obesity. Scholarly sources were systematically searched, including academic databases (e.g., PubMed, PsycINFO) and relevant journals. Theoretical frameworks guiding the research included mindfulness theory, cognitive-behavioural theories, and self-regulation theories. The abstract integrates findings from both qualitative and quantitative studies to provide a well-rounded perspective on the topic. Findings: Mindfulnessbased interventions have shown promising effects on weight loss management in individuals with obesity. Studies have consistently demonstrated improvements in various outcome measures, including eating behaviours, self-regulation, body satisfaction, and stress management. Participants who received mindfulnessbased interventions reported reduced emotional eating, enhanced self-control, and increased awareness of hunger and satiety cues. Furthermore, mindfulness interventions have been associated with improved body image and reduced stress levels, contributing to overall well-being. Conclusion: Mindfulness-based interventions offer a valuable addition to traditional weight loss strategies in individuals with obesity. By cultivating mindful awareness, self-regulation, and non-judgmental acceptance, these interventions address psychological and behavioural aspects underlying weight management. The findings support the potential of mindfulness-based interventions in promoting sustainable weight loss and improving overall health outcomes in individuals with obesity.

Biography :

Chukwu Miriam Akunna is a dedicated researcher and recent graduate of Pharmacy from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra. Her research focuses primarily on obesity, with a specific interest in weight loss management. Miriam is passionate about addressing the challenges associated with obesity and aims to contribute to the field by investigating effective strategies for weight loss. Miriam's commitment to tackling obesity is evident through her active collaborations with professional bodies and participation in relevant conferences to stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field. She is an active member of the Obesity Society of Nigeria (OSN), a prominent professional association dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of obesity. Through her involvement with OSN, she has gained valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of obesity and has had the opportunity to collaborate with experts and professionals in the field.