The ideal experience: what providers, patients and caregivers design?
World Congress & Expo on Healthcare IT and Nursing
August 21-22, 2018 | Paris, France

Leslie Kelly Hall


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Committed to patient engagement, consumer empowerment, and the use of health information technology to support collaborative care, Leslie Kelly Hall has 25 years of executive leadership in health information technology. Leslie's experience as a health system Chief Information Officer and Marketing Executive at Saint Alphonsus Health System in Idaho, her leadership in forming the Idaho Health Information Exchange, and 20 years of healthcare administration make her uniquely qualified to lead efforts to promote patient engagement. Appointed by United States Health and Human Services Secretaries Sibelius, Burwell, and Azar to advise the federal government on HIT and patient engagement, Leslie has influenced healthcare technology policy, law and HIT standards for patients and providers. This presentation will report out results from interviews with 168 individuals and leaders in healthcare administration, religious organizations, community health, providers (acute and ambulatory), nursing and patients themselves. This research asked the question, ???What is the ideal experience you would like to have in healthcare???? This question was further refined to indicate the ideal experience desired online, in chronic care, in the hospital, and the ideal experience of the care giver. Using personas and journey map techniques, each participant interviewed responded as both a ???provider??? and a ???patient???. This presentation will outline the resulting synergies and potential strategies in each setting of care, for each persona involved, and defines the ideal provider and patient experience. The audience for this presentation should include healthcare administration, HIT, product development, and healthcare marketing.

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