The efficacy of massage on muscle soreness in increasing pressure pain threshold (PPT): Evidence based case report
10th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare
March 12-14, 2018 Singapore

Muhamad S Advani and Mirtha T Listya

University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Myalgia is one of the most common complains in daily practice and people often choose massage as the conservative intervention to deal the pain. However, very few studies have investigated the response between muscle soreness and massage relative to a control. The aim was to investigate the efficacy of massage as an alternative muscle soreness treatment in increasing pressure pain threshold (PPT). PubMed and Cochrane database were used to do the literature searching. Two articles from literature searching were then critically appraised using Oxford CEBM method. Two randomized controlled trial articles were obtained with similar validity. Both article show significant increased PPT and in one article, the RR and NNT value are 1.4 and 9, respectively. Conclusion was drawn that the massage group was able to increase PPT resulting in less mechanical hyperalgia which can be used as an alternative treatment to relieve muscle soreness.