Imran Aslan
Bingol University, Turkey
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews
The aim of that study is to analyze the effects of Information Technology in healthcare and develop suggestions. Turkish healthcare and IT in healthcare are explained. Some studies done in healthcare around World are presented and explained in details to see the effects of IT in healthcare. Moreover, Turkish healthcare management and some indices are introduced briefly. Moreover, newly e-prescription implemented in Turkey was examined and a case study done in Istanbul, Erzurum and Kayseri cities was examined. The resistance developed against e-prescription was analyzed according to gender, age, hospital or pharmacy, experience, working time, social status and willingness from 367 surveys. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for e-prescription by using 6 likert-scales. Moreover, suggestions done in open questions were grouped to improve e-prescription. It was found from the study that there were some problems with service quality of e-prescription. To increase the adoption of system, service quality is an important factor to be developed. Users stated that the main reason of high resistance was lack of information given to staff and complexity of program. Moreover, interruptions of system have created huge resistance and dissatisfaction. Improvement of infrastructure and speed up of connectivity were found the best way to increase efficiency by higher quality, better working of medula, and getting more technical support from IT department. Another opinion is that integrated automation among hospitals can help doctors to see old medicines and diagnoses from other hospitals. Furthermore, users stated that security of patient data will not be any problem in future. One of the main aims of this study is to find weaknesses and strengths of healthcare industry, by defining problems, finding solutions and suggesting some models through existing studies and analyzing current healthcare system in Turkey. To generalize and learn the existing system of Turkey, 2 hospitals in Istanbul and 1 hospital in Bingöl were selected and systems and problems of them were defined. Observations, surveys and interviews were used to learn the existing problems. Surveys and interviews of the hospital were analyzed by statistical tools, operation research and some management models. The connections of these hospitals with existing system of overall Turkish Healthcare System were explained and on-going problems were defined. Later, some crucial parts such as queues, wastage of resources, satisfaction, information technologies, emergency room, operating room, dialysis, and routing of ambulances in the hospital were determined. These critical parts were tried to be modeled in case studies in each chapter such as dialysis analysis, breast cancer, congestion of system, stress, queues etc. Main problems depending on hospital type were defined and some solutions were tried to be developed. Later, the existing systems of the hospitals were generalized. Opportunities and threats of specific and general situations were determined in healthcare by SWOT analysis. Moreover, SWOT method and benchmarking were used to deploy strategies by TOWS matrix.