Narjiss Akerzoul, Saliha Chbicheb and Wafaa Elwady
Mohammed V University at Agdal, Morocco
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
The purpose of this paper is to present case report of a dentigerous cyst associated to permanent teeth in children treated by conservative techniques. Dentigerous cyst is the most common developmental cysts of the jaws. Conservative treatment is very effective to this entity and aims at eliminating the cystic tissue and preserving the permanent tooth involved in the pathology. Two techniques are described as conservative treatment for these cysts, marsupialization and the decompression. An eight years female child was affected by a large lesion at the right side of the mandible associated to tooth 45. The dentigerous cyst promoted severe tooth displacement. The patient was treated with decompression which could manage enough space to do a surgical Orthodontic traction and therefore place conveniently the permanent tooth.
Narjiss Akerzoul obtained her Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Mohammed V University, Morocco. She is the General Practitioner Dentist in Oral Health Center of Guelmim City, Morocco. She is currently a 3rd year Resident Oral Surgeon in Center of Consultation of Dental Treatments of Rabat, Faculty of Dentistry of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Morocco. She also obtained Universitary Diploma of Biostatistics and Research Methodology. She is the author of many International Publications in the field of Oral Surgery and Oral Oncology. She is the International Presenter (Oral & Poster Presenter) in different meetings of Oral Surgery and Head & Neck Oncology in Turkey and the USA. She serves as the Editorial Board Member in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research (IJOHMR) and also Journal of Cosmetology and Orofacial Surgery. She is a Reviewer in OMICS GROUP Biomedical Journals.