That is how you make drugs!
6th Pharmacovigilance Congress
September 28-30, 2016 Toronto, Canada

H C Peter Kapitein

Inspire2Live, The Netherlands

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pharmacovigil


The path a drug has to travel from its early beginnings until it reaches the patient is a long one. The entire process is divided into dozens of stages, possibly even hundreds. No one monitors or takes responsibility for the entire process. However, the patients are the ones who pay the price. Patients do not really have a say in any of the groups that are involved in bringing a drug to the market. David Tuveson, a leading pancreatic cancer researcher asked me what the most important thing was that pancreatic cancer patients had to deal with? My answer was: â??Pain!â?? Davidâ??s conclusion; â??If I can take away the pain I give them six to twelve months more Peterâ??. However, nobody apart from David does any research into the pain related to pancreatic cancer. Relevant research and the relevant drugs and clinical trials that result from them arise through cooperation between patients, physicians, scientists and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry. Patients will also indicate that the introduction of new medicines takes far too long and can be much quicker. In conclusion, patients do not need treatments that donâ??t work or which have horrific side-effects. This is however the effect of most treatments so far. To date this has involved spending considerable amounts of money, which in most cases has just led to misery. Listening to and cooperating with patients is not only beneficial for them, but also for the healthcare services and the related costs.

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