Tele healthcare, automation with chatbots and healthcare blockchains
Annual Congress on Medicine
November 05-06, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand

Jit Seng Tan

Jit Seng Tan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Biol Med


As population ages and a declining birthrate here in Singapore, we are facing a healthcare challenge of increasing number of elderly patient who have chronic diseases or ADL dependent needing day to day care and reducing number of caregivers and healthcare professionals. Empowerment for elderly and their families will be the key to support the various healthcare needs and challenges. With that, a secured and controlled flow of vital data to various care systems supporting the elderly much be established. Smart feedback on these data can be automated and customized. Health data retrieval can be done in smarter ways such as remote monitoring through blue tooth enabled monitoring devices. Tele-consultation though telepresence robotics and novel wound imaging systems can aid the efficiency of the service delivery while reducing cost and time to the service providers. Self-customizable chatbots can be put in place as a form of data retrieval and automated interactive platform soon. Everyone can have their own healthcare Jarvis to guide and link up the correct services at the correct time. Blockchain technology will be used to host these data, making the flow of data seamless and securely to each individual service providers while the elderly and their families retain the control over their own health data. Innovative ways of putting back the control and by empowering the elderly and their families, healthcare cost can be reduced with reduction of hospitalization and realizing the ultimate dream of compression of the morbidity model for everybody.

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