Michael A Firer
Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disorders Transf
Recent years have seen significant developments in the treatment of several types of hematological cancers and in some settings, this has translated into improved clinical outcome. Arguably, the most dramatic of these improvements has been seen in the treatment of multiple myeloma. These developments have mostly been guided by advances in our understanding of the underlying biology and pathogenicity of these diseases. These advances have for example highlighted a series of driver mutations in key components of cellular signaling pathways that provide molecular targets for novel small molecule drugs. Parallel developments in gene and protein profiling technologies are beginning to allow the tailored employment of these drugs in personalized treatment protocols. Nonetheless, this approach has limitations, possibly the most important being the genetic instability of the tumor and the development of drug resistance. An alternate approach to improved cancer therapy is the use of targeted drug delivery systems. These are, in the first instance, reliant on the ability to identify a unique tumor cell surface component, for use as a specific ?address? to deliver the drug. This approach has advantages in terms of target cell specificity and bypassing drug resistance pathways. This paper will first describe the advantages and limitations of both targeted molecular therapy and targeted drug delivery approaches and then make suggestions to amalgamate the two systems. Finally, the talk will present an update on our work to develop targeted drug delivery systems for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma.
Michael A Firer received his PhD from Melbourne University, Victoria, Australia. After Postdoctoral work at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, he spent time as an R&D Manager in the biotech industry, returning to academia in 1992. At the Ariel University, Israel, he is Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and also serves as Coordinator of the Applied Cancer Research Center. His research focuses on immunotechnology and development of peptide-based targeted drug delivery systems for cancer, in particular for B-cell leukemias and prostate cancer.