Irfan Ambas1,3, Ravi Fotedar1 and Nicky Buller2
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Aquac Res Development
The present study examined survival, total haemocyte count (THC), bacteraemia and clotting time of marron (Cherax cainii, AUSTIN 2002) under simulated transport after three months feeding trial using basal and probiotic, Bacillus mycoides supplemented diets. Each treatment group consist of six polystyrene boxes (65x30x40 cm3) and each box contains ten marrons (10.5±0.35g) from each feeding group. Packing steps following standard packing for live transportation of marron. The sealed boxes were place on a trolley at room temperature to give transportation effects. Boxes were opened at 48th and 72nd hours post packing where marron from each treatment group was returned to the culture tank after temperature acclimation. Samples for marron immunity were also observed and the survival of marron was recorded 24 hour after returning to the culture tanks. The results demonstrated that survival of probiotic fed marron significantly higher (100±0.0%) at 48 hour and 72 hour post simulated transportation compared to survival (83.3±8.16%) of basal diet fed marron. Immune status of probiotic fed marron was also improved indicated with higher THC, lower bacteraemia level and shorter haemolymph clotting time.
Irfan Ambas is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fishery, Hasanuddin University, Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia. He completed his Master of Science (MSc) Degree at School of Ocean Sciences, University College of North Wales (UCNW) UK in 1995 and currently undertaking PhD degree in Aquaculture, Department of Environment and Agriculture Curtin University, Australia. He published his research articles on Fish and Shellfish Immunity Journal, Journal of Fish Diseases, Fisheries Science, Journal of ?The World Aquaculture Society? etc.