Surgical management of lung Hydatidosis. A monocentric experience: At Habib Bourghiba University Hospital, Sfax-Tunisia
6th International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases
January 28-29, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain

Kleriene Souza

Federal University of Mato Grosso , Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Trop Dis


Hydatidosis is a parasitic disease caused by the larval form of the Taenia Echinococcus granulosus in human which is considered as the accidental intermediate host. Hydatidosis is widely seen in the Mediterranean region, South America, Australia and New Zealand. The liver is the most common location followed by the lung in adults.We report a monocentric experience of the surgical management of lung hydatidosis in a total period of 6 years from January 2012 to December 2017 in the department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in the university hospital Habib Bourguiba in Sfax, Tunisia. Results: A total of 80 patients had surgery for lung hydatidosis with a 42,5 years average (minimum: 7 and maximum:78) and a SEX RATIO female/male = 1,16:1. In 67 cases (83,75%) were pulmonary hydatid cysts in only one lung, and the cyst was bilateral in 3 cases (5%). The cyst was multiple in 3 cases (3,25%). The mean location was the right lung (46.7%). Otherwise, the cyst was developed in the pleura in 3 cases (3,75%), in the mediastinum in 1 case. Cystectomy was performed in all patients. Surgery was completed by closure of bronchial fistula in 52 cases (65%). Anatomical resection (lobectomy) was necessary only in 2 cases (2,5%). The evolution was simple in 70 cases (87,5%) and complicated in 10 cases with a total morbidity rate of 12,5%. The main complications were: fever, pneumonia, hemothorax, empyema and atelectasis. The peri operative mortalility was about 2,5%.Conservative surgical procedure (cystectomy) is the treatment of choice of lung hydatidosis specially the uncomplicated ones. This simple procedure is safe, reliable and successful. However anatomical resections should only be carried out in selected patients with specific indications.

Biography :

Kleriene Souza is a medicine student of 4Th year in Federal University of Mato Grosso in Brazil, did an exchange in March 2018 in CHU HABIB BOURGHIBA, TUNISIA with Doctor Chaari when this research has been developed. Doctor Zied Chaari : MD, thoracic surgeon in the Department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in Habib Bourguiba University Hospital (Sfax – Tunisia) since 2016. Worked as intern in thoracic surgery in Abderrahmen Mami University Hospital (Department of Thoracic Surgery) and in Avicenne Hospital in Paris – France in 2014 and 2015. Activity in thoracic surgery, lung disease, diaphragm disease, mediastinal tumors, lung cancer, VATS and mini invasive thoracic surgery. Thoracic Oncology Diploma obtained in Paris – France in 2015.
