Study the lead content of raw milk in Tehran
8th International Conference on Food Safety, Quality & Policy
November 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Salman Seyed Nasrollah Baghban, Hasan Khorramdel, Shahram Darzi Larijani and Mahmoud Zare Bidaki


Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


The increasing development of technology, however, increases the quality of life, but this phenomenon has resulted in an increase the amount of pollutants and multiple environmental problems. Some of these pollutants and toxic compounds such as dioxins, poisons, heavy metals and metalloids directly and indirectly enters the human food chain. Among the pollutants that enter the human food chain can be referred to heavy metal, especially lead is of particular importance. The study was conducted by improving milk supply unit of Kalleh in autumn of 2016. Sampling of milk suppliers was done in Tehran. 7 samples were taken for testing lead from any supplier and collected totally 105 samples. Testing methods of lead was conducted with spectrometer optical atomic absorption. In this study, it was found that, all samples of milk in terms of their lead were under the standard amounts which were based on Codex standards. Lead levels in studied milk samples were 0.01 ppm. Given that the standard amount of codex was 0.02 ppm that was indicative of proper condition. 38 dairy farms for milk production were divided to 3 small groups (below 5 tons), medium (5 to 10 tons) and large (over 10 tons). There was no significant difference between groups. There was no significant difference in the lead content of milk in dairy farms of different regions.
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Biography :

Salman Seyed Nasrollah Baghban has his Master’s degree in Animal Management. He has worked at Kalleh; a dairy company in Tehran, Iran for during 6 years.