R. K. Diwakar
Posters: J Microb Biochem Technol
Total 125 faecal samples collected from 3-6 month old diarrhoea calves were examined bacteriologically. All the samples yielded E. coli (110 isolated). Out of 110 isolates of E. coli , 24 isolates were sent to National Salmonella & Escherichia Center, Central Research Institute, Kasauli (H.P) for serotyping. The result of serotyping revealed O12, O15, O49, O75 and O157 strains of E. coli whereas 8 isolates were reported as non- E. coli . To determine the virulence character of E. coli isolates three pathogenicity tests viz. - Congo-red binding test, Rabbit Ligated Illeal Loop (RLIL) and vascular skin permeability test were performed. Only 67 (60.90 percent) isolates of E. coli absorbed the CR dye and were considered as enteropathogenic. In RLIL and Skin permeability test, all the 16 isolates of E. coli typed by NSEC, CRI Kasauli (H.P) showed enterotoxigenic properties.