Sleeping disorders in pregnancy and post-partum (review)
26th International Conference on Neonatology and Perinatology
November 15-17, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Seridi Houari Boumediene

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Martinique, France

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neonatal Biol


Introduction & Aim: Sleeping disorders are presented during the pregnancy and during postpartum. The aim of our work is to understand the physiopathology of these disturbances and their roles in the psychopathology of pregnant woman and in post-partum. Method: We realized a review of the systematic literature on sleeping disorders concerning pregnant women. We had to select 94 articles which made the link between sleeping and psychopathology during the pregnancy and during post-partum. We completed these articles by works on the psychological dynamics of pregnancy. We didn???t have any limit of date of publication. Results: Pregnancy affects sleeping qualitatively and quantitatively. The disturbances of sleeping are evolutionary and subject to the physiological variations of pregnancy. Their repercussions on the humor of pregnant women can go from irritability to depression. The return in a repair sleeping during post-partum is difficult because of the rough hormonal modifications, baby blues, the feeding and the rhythm of the baby. Etiological factors of these disturbances are multiple, which limits the efficiency of the therapeutic answer besides the difficulties to the medicinal prescription. Conclusion: Sleeping disorders are underestimated in the follow-up of pregnant women; they must be looked for and taken care when they are invalidating to warn the arisen of the disorders of the humor and their consequences on the link between mother-child.

Biography :

Seridi Houari Boumediene has completed his Graduation in the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical School Hyacinthe Bastaraud Subdivision Antilles-Guyane in 2015. He works as a Psychiatrist at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Martinique/Martinique University Hospital (FWI) and takes care of the question of perinatal period. He has completed his Diplôme Universitaire (DU) of Perinatal Psychiatry in Bordeaux in 2016 and an Interuniversity Diploma (DIU) of Perinatal Period and Addiction in Montpellier.
