Singularity minimization, reduction and penetration
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
October 03-04, 2016 Orlando, USA

Timothy Sands

Air Force Institute of Technology, USA

Keynote: J Appl Mech Eng


Two objectives dominate consideration of control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) for spacecraft maneuvers: High torque (or equivalently momentum) and singularity-free operations. Utilizing a 3/4 CMG skewed-pyramid, the optimal singularityfree configuration is revealed. Next, this presentation develops a decoupled control strategy to reduce the remaining singular conditions. Analysis and simulation is provided to justify the argument with experimental verification performed on a freefloating satellite simulator. Furthermore, a singularity penetration algorithm is developed, simulated, and experimentally proven to fly through singularities even without singularity reduction.

Biography :

Timothy Sands completed his PhD at the Naval Postgraduate School and Post-doctoral studies at Stanford University and Columbia University. He is Dean and Senior Military Professor at the Air Force Institute of Technology. He has published research in archival journals, conference proceedings, a book chapter, in addition to keynote and invitational presentations.
