Violeta Grajcevci-Uka, R Macastena Maxhuni, B Abrashi, F Selimi and L Spahiu
University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Kosovo
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Introduction: The body needs iron to make hemoglobin. If there isn't enough iron available, hemoglobin production is limited, which in turns affects the production of red blood cells (RBCs). A decreased amount of hemoglobin and RBCs in the bloodstream is known as anemia. Because RBCs are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body, anemia results in less oxygen reaching the cells and tissues, affecting their function. Aim of the study: To present the patients with sideropenic anaemia associated with other diseases. Material & Methods: In our study we have included 200 children of different group ages with sideropenic anaemia hospitalized in Hemato-Oncology Department of Pediatric Clinic. The diagnose is made based on history, physical examination and laboratory data. Results: Anemia associated with any other disease was present in 117 cases (58.5%) while as the main disease was present in 83 cases (41.5%). Sideropenic anaemia as a main disease has showed significant difference (Chitesti=5.78). In the total number of our patients with sideropenic anaemia the most frequent associated diseases were gastrointestinal diseases with 30 cases (25.6%), followed by respiratory diseases in 27 cases (23.1%), haematological disease with 21 cases (17.9%), with urogenital disease 13 cases (11.1%), cardiovascular diseases with five cases (4.3%) and malnutrition with four cases (3.4%). Conclusion: The most common diseases that have followed sideropenic anaemia were respiratory infections, gastrointestinal and hematological diseases. Repeated infections have an impact on the appearance of sideropenic anaemia in children.
Violeta Grajçevci-Uka is Chief of Hematology Unit in Pediatric Clinic at University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Kosovo. She has publications in more than 5 books and she has attended approximately 60 national and international conferences.