Z. Konstantinovic, J. Santiso, F. Sandiumenge, A. Pomar, LL. Balcells and B. Martinez
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nanomed Nanotechol
Oxide thin films often exhibit a tendency toward self-organized growth forming regular arrays of three dimensional nanostructures. This behaviour offers enormous potential for the implementation of new nanodevices, while at the same time attracts great attention due to their rich physics. Among functional oxides, manganese perovskites showing colossal magnetoresistance and half metallic characteristics have emerged as promising candidates for miniature spintronic devices. We report the formation of long-range ordered arrays of nano-objects in highly epitaxial La 2/3 Sr 1/3 MnO 3 (LSMO) thin films. The self-organization process is directly promoted by the topological features of the substrate i.e. the step-direction defined by the miscut angle. A fine tailoring of size and arrangement of the nanostructures can be obtained inducing different strain during film growth by choosing the appropiate mismatch with the substrate. These nanostructured surface morphologies are robust nanotemplates for the fabrication of an ordered network of faceted epitaxial metallic nanoparticles. High area densities of nanoobjects, well above the obatined using conventional nanofabrication, can be achieved (~2x10 10 nanocrystals/cm 2 ) proving allowing a new promising route for the implementation of magnetoptic and magnetoelectronic devices
Zorica Konstantinovic obtained her Ph.D. in 2000 from University Paris SUD. She was postdoctoral fellow in Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense at Commissariat de l?Energie Atomic (Saclay, France) and University of Barcelona (Spain). Since 2007 she is researcher at the Institute of Materials Science of Consejo Superior de Investigaci?n Cient?fica in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain). Her main interest is the formation of self-assembled nanostructures in oxide thin films and their influence on transport and magnetic properties. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals and six chapters in books