Screening and Management of the female athlete triad
Global Healthcare & Fitness Summit
July 20-22, 2015 San Francisco, USA

Asma Javed

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care: Current Reviews


Health problems of female athletes are widely under recognized by physicians, coaches and family members. In this era
of growing athletic participation, we highlight the pathophysiology and epidemiology of the components of the female
athlete triad i.e. low energy availability, menstrual dysfunction and low bone mineral density. Barriers to timely diagnosis and
common misconceptions among physicians and other health care providers regarding the female athlete triad are explored in
an effort to devise a plan for improved screening and management of these athletes at risk.

Biography :

Asma Javed M.D has completed her medical school in Pakistan at Aga Khan University. She then completed residency in Pediatrics at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN
followed by Pediatric endocrinology fellowship training also at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN. She is currently on staff at Mayo Clinic and speaks frequently at regional
and national meetings on topics related to Women’s Health.