Ayesha Junaid
Shifa International Hospitals Ltd., Pakistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Thalassemia & hemophilia are two inherited blood disorders in which children are born with lifelong cellular or component dependency as curative treatment is either not available or not affordable. In Pakistan the estimated burden of the children suffering from inherited blood disorders is above six million. Thalassemia major & hemophilia claim more than 90% of this disease load. Considering factors affecting prevalence of these disorders like cultural, socioeconomic, education and awareness level, an increase is expected in near future. These disorders show up since early childhood and affect quality of life not only of the patients but of the families having these special children. Role of hematologists providing care to these under privileged patients becomes crucial, demanding and lifelong. Here not only skill and knowledge but a lot of passion is required to make a difference in effective management of these lifelong disorders. In Pakistan, Jamila Sultana Thalassemia Foundation and Pakistan Hemophilia Welfare Societies are two model organizations, among many who save lives and improve productivity of these young patients. JS foundation is working since year 2004 with a registered load of 611 thalassemic children, providing complete physical & psychological support free of cost. Their oldest patient maintained conservatively is 38 year old. Pakistan Hemophilia Society, with 510 registered hemophiliac children is delivering as a centre of excellence with free factor replacement and rehabilitation facilities. Though the journey of management of hereditary blood disorders in underserved country is tough but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Ayesha Junaid is a graduate of King Edward Medical University, Pakistan and is a Fellow of Clinical Hematology (2002) from CPSP Pakistan. She has received training in Cytogenetics & FISH technique from UCLA, USA in year 2008. She has qualified the evaluation examination of Medical Council of Canada in year 2012. She is a Consultant Hematologist and In-Charge Blood Transfusion Services & Hematology Department at a tertiary care hospital Islamabad. She also works as a Transplant Consultant mainly involved in hematological malignancies. She is a Teacher in medical school since 17 years and is presently working as a Professor of Pathology in Shifa College of Medicine, Pakistan. She is an elected syndicate Member of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Pakistan. She is Patron In-Charge of student organization for blood donation. She is also a Program Director, Hematology Fellowship in Shifa International Hospitals, Islamabad and Chairperson, Hospital Transfusion Committee. She works as a National Hemovigilance Coordinator appointed by Ministry of Health, Pakistan.
Email: ayesha_junaid497@hotmail.com