Uthenas Larseang, Jongkol Akkahat, Nuanchan Mungkhunkhamchaw, Thipaporn Jaroonsirimaneekul and Kutcharin Phunikom
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Introduction: Cost-effective transfusion services have to be considered seriously. One of these services is expired blood product waste or the discard rate from abnormal appearance such as breakage of blood components bag which is under or lower whole blood volume collection. Wasted blood components result in significant losing of the budget. The problems should be analyzed and warned. Objective: To determine the factors involved in blood product waste at Srinagarind Hospital (tertiary care institute), Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Method: Discard blood components were strictly reported in 2017 and the frequency was analyzed for in each cause. Result: Red cells concentrates expired rate in 2015 - 2017 were 4.8%, 4.3% and 5.6%, respectively. Total of whole blood (WB) collection in 2017 was 30,010 units while WB collection out of standard volume was 486 units (1.6%), the breakage blood bag between blood components preparation was 169 units (0.6%) and buffy coat discard from platelet preparation recorded as 1,133 units (3.8%). Conclusion: Red cells concentrate expired rate was close to maximum limit (5.0%), normally blood components discard WB collection to standard volume, the procedure in blood components breakage has to re-consider because all discards are leading to cost effective.