Reconstruction to regeneration: Beginning of a new era in the wound management
Joint Event on 2nd Annual Summit on Stem Cell Research, Cell & Gene Therapy & Cell Therapy, Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine & 12th International Conference & Exhibition on Tissue Preservation, Life care and Biobanking
November 09-10, 2018 | Atlanta, USA

Sandeep Shrivastava

Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Keynote: J Stem Cell Res Ther


The management of wounds is a huge challenge. The resources needed amount to huge expenditures (estimated to be more than 3 billion dollars annually at the USA). Surgical reconstruction remains the mainstay treatment, along with judicious antibiotic usage and intricate local dressings. Despite the good efforts, results remain unpredictable and associated with residual morbidities. The Regenerative Medicinal Products getting evolved includes three key biological human cell products-stem cells; mesenchymal stem cells and platelets. The platelets offer a huge window of opportunity particularly in terms of their availability and ease of preparation. The platelet have the potential for shaping up as ???Regenerative & Repair??? solution for complex wounds and many more. This study is embarked on consolidation of the reparative process by biotechnological intervention with PRP, tissue engineering the skin over the wounds, as they assist to heal such defects. The Project PRP_ Biotechnological Intervention was started in 2012 and after 5 years the results are excellent with complete control of infections, a predictable healing in almost all cases including bed sores, diabetic sores, complex wounds involving bones, tendons and near necrotic flaps and tissues. The results in near necrosis/gangrenous situation is a quantum jump in the history of mankind, as reversal/restriction of damage has been achieved perhaps for the first time, restricting the morbidity to the minimum. We have been able to salvage limbs which were referred for amputations. This is the beginning of a new era in Wound Management from ???Reconstruction to Regeneration???, opening up the furtherance of Modern Medicine through Cellular therapy.

Biography :

Sandeep Shrivastava is Professor of Orthopedics having done his MS, DNB, and PhD. He is also the Director of Centre of Autologous Platelet Biotechnological interventions, and Chief Executive Officer, and Ex-Dean at Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, India. In the field of regenerative medicine, he has pioneered the wound management with PRP, by developing the clinical protocol “Sandeep’s Technique for Assisted Regeneration of Skin (STARS Therapy)”. His work is widely published and presented across the world. He has 2 books, 56 publications and 75 presentations, including orations, keynote addresses, and guest lectures. He also has 6 copyright & is inventor for H_COIN-a research outcome measurement tool, “Pre-Yell”-an emergency response Application, Self-assertive learning (SAL), Academic appraisal program (AcAP). and “Early Research Exposure Model” (ERE Model).
