Socio-economic profile of Oras Bay, Coastal Barangays Oras, Eastern Samar, Philippines

3rd International Conference on Coastal Zones and Oceanography
May 18-19, 2018 Singapore

Marietta B Albina, Renato C Diocton, Ever L Brazas, Raisa A Mendoza, Andrew M Gamba, Ma Luningning L Ampa Rado, Raven G Tabiongan, Ricardo T Severo, Ma Aleli L Amparado and Raul B Celmar

Samar State University, Philippines

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Coast Zone Manag


The study was conducted to evaluate status of the artisanal fishers in Oras Bay. They analyzed their diminishing fish catch as due to the dwindling coastal resources which is the result of the damaged marine habitats and of overfishing. They attributed three reasons to their dwindling coastal resources: Unabated destructive and illegal fishing, polluted waters and climate change. The destructive and illegal fishing still prevalent in their barangays are dynamite fishing, trawl, fish poisoning, the use of compressors in shellfish gathering and illegal quarrying. Although overfishing was only attributed to the increase in the number of fisherfolks, there were discussions on the open access system particularly in the use of coastal municipal waters. Overfishing also relates to their inability to fish in deep waters due to the lack of appropriate gears and accessories such as payaos. Destructive and illegal fishing are still prevalent because of the lax implementation of fishery laws and the dearth of active fisherfolk associations. The inactivity of fisherfolk associations is deemed to be the offshoot of the lack of awareness on fishery laws and the dearth of trainings of the fisherfolks and their sectoral organizations.

Biography :

Marietta B Albina has her expertise in assessment and evaluation in improving the coastal zone and marine protected areas. She has been involved in some projects on coastal aquaculture and fisheries biology particularly on marine biodiversity. Email: