Shoichiro Ozaki
Ehime University, Japan
Keynote: J Aquac Res Development
The earth is warmed up by the burning of 1.4 billion tons fossil releasing 360 billion tons CO2 in 2016. If we can compensate the generation of CO2 by CO2 assimilation, global warming can is protected. To promote CO2 assimilation, supply of nutrient N and P is essential. About 14.4 billion tons NOx is produced when fossil is burned. Some countries hate NOx as pollution gas and do NOx elimination. Some countries do not do NOx elimination and use NOx as fertilizer. NP in drainage is also hated as pollution substance at some country and eliminated. Use of NOx and NP as fertilizer or eliminate these give great influence on growth of plant, CO2 assimilation, production of grain, fish, electricity price, GDP. When we look at fish industry of many countries, the country which use NOx and NP in drainage are producing much fish and fixing much C02. China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam do not eliminate NOx and do not do drainage treatment. NOx is a promoter of plant growth and CO2 assimilation. Therefore NOx elimination gives great damage on growth of plant, plankton, production of fish and grain. To eliminate NOx, ammonia is used. By this reaction, precious fertilizer is destroyed by other fertilizer. This is tremendous loss. The countries who do this reaction like USA, Japan, Germany and Italy are consuming much fossil generating much CO2 for elimination of NOx. Therefore electricity price is higher than no NOx elimination country. The country whose electricity price is low can produce goods with low price. Then producing industry progresses and GDP growth rate become higher. Therefore NOx elimination and drainage NP elimination should be stopped to produce much fish and protect global warming.
Ozaki has served as the Professor at Ehime University, Department of Chemical Industry and as the Visiting Professor at various reputed universities of the world including University of Konstanz, New York State University and Shangdong University. Dr Ozaki has been the recipient of Hatsumeishou (Invention Prize) for the invention of Carmofur (antitumor agent), Gakujutsusho (Academic Prize) from the Japan Chemical Society for the synthesis of biologically active compounds (Carmofur, IP3), Fulbright Award and the Alexander von Fumboldt Award.