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Production of plasmid DNA vaccine against leishmaniasis in bioreactor batch culture
International Conference & Exhibition on Vaccines & Vaccination
22-24 Nov 2011 Philadelphia Airport Marriott, USA

Islas-Lugo F, Vega-Estrada J, Dumonteil E, Ortega-L�pez J, Montes- Horcasitas MC

Posters: J Vaccines Vaccin


Th e World Health Organization has classifi ed the leishmaniasis as a major tropical disease, aff ecting 12 million people worldwide. An eff ective vaccine is not available and the chemotherapy is the only eff ective way to treat all forms of this disease, but it is toxic and expensive. Th e use of plasmid DNA in experimental vaccines, for viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases, has increased signifi cantly in the last decade. Th erefore, the development of plasmid DNA production and purifi cation process are important for the vaccines development, to comply with the required doses (milligram scale) for clinical trials. Th e aim of this work is to improve the production of pVAX-NH36, a plasmid DNA vaccine candidate against leishmaniasis (Gamboa-Le�n et al., 2006) by the optimization of media and growth strategies to improve biomass, plasmid yield and quality. First, Escherichia coli DH5�± harboring the pVAX-NH36 was growth in two media, M1 and M2, in 1 L bioreactor at 30 and 37�C, maintaining the dO 2 >30%. Th e best plasmid production was obtained with M2 medium at 37�C (140 mg/L and 5.5 mg/g). Th e volumetric and specifi c plasmid yields were increased up to 590 mg/L and 20.22 mg/g respectively by the optimization of M2 medium (M3), at 37�C and maintaining the dO2>30%. Authors acknowledge the support of CINVESTAV, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a del Distrito Federal (ICyTDF) grant PIFUTP08-108 to JOL and CONACyT for scholarship 172926 to FIL.

Biography :

Fabiola Islas Lugo is student of Ph.D in CINVESTAV-IPN M?xico