Principles of psychology in the dental field: Psycho-odontology as a proposal of applied sub-discipline
32nd Asia Pacific Dental and Oral Health Congress
July 23- 24, 2018 Sydney, Australia

Alejandro J Amaiz and Miguel A Flores

Pluss Dental Clinic, Costa Rica

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


At present, it is important to establish a theoretical-methodological link between psychology and dentistry, expanding the knowledge of the dentist with new elements for their training in the social and humanistic field, combining the dental work with the perspective of the development of individuals, introducing thus the term of â??Psycho-odontologyâ??; which is proposed as a sub-discipline oriented to the study and application of the theoretical-practical foundations of clinical psychology and health to the dental field, involving aspects such as prevention, diagnosis, intervention on cognitive processes emotional, behavioral patterns and the family-social support network, which are subordinated to the integral health of the dental patient. In this way, within its objectives, it is important to create an interdisciplinary link that promotes an adequate dentist-patient relationship, providing the professional with the psychological tools necessary to face the obstacles of a work nature, thus improving the organizational climate of the dental clinic. Therefore, the starting point is given to initiate debates, approaches and academic perspectives on the psycho-odontology, as a proposal of sub-discipline; deepening in the theoretical-applied bases to conform a structure of knowledge with greater solidity as far as scientific rigor.