Rocio Caicedo-Borras
Executive director of FUNBBASIC, The Central University of Ecuadorm
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neonatal Biol
Introduction: Ecuador is signatory to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO Code), which aims to protect and promote breastfeeding by monitoring the correct use and commercialization of breast milk substitutes (BMS). Objective: To estimate the prevalence of violations of the WHO Code in the two main cities in Ecuador: Quito and Guayaquil. Methodology: The WHO Net Code methodology was used. It examines the compliance with the WHO Code through: i) interviews with health professionals and mothers of children under 24 months in health facilities (HF); ii) surveillance of BMS points of sale (POS); iii) assessment of BMS labels; and iv) monitoring of mass media. Results: Most HF was contacted by BMS companies. One in four HF had BMS promotional materials. Almost 50% of health personnel were aware of the WHO Code. At least 48.5% of mothers received advice on feeding their children with BMS. The advice came from several sources and was diverse. 68% of POS failed to comply with the WHO Code in several ways like gift giving, promotional packages and informative materials and the reduction of BMS price. More than half of the BMS labels contained texts or images that idealized their use. In the media, BMS advertising expenses of over 1 million dollars were identified. 2 Conclusion: The multiple violations of the WHO Code in Quito and Guayaquil reinforce the need for regulatory mechanisms and the promotion of breastfeeding by multiple sectors.
Rocio Caicedo-Borrás is an executive director of FUNBBASIC (Foundation for Welfare and Basic Social, Institutional and Community Care). A foundation dedicated to achieve improvements, with technical assistance, to development projects and clinical care for newborns and young children. Also, help better the food and nutritional condition of the population, specialized to the maternal and child group. Coordinator of the group IBFAN Ecuador (International Baby Food Action Network). IBFAN supports, around the world, children' s food and coordinates the efforts of groups and individuals working in the areas of health, nutrition, human development, human rights, and sharing information. As well as, experiences and skills to raise global awareness and enhance action in favour of the defense, protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding and natural feeding; against the dangers of artificial feeding and the use of bottles.