Potential of shale gas in Indian sedimentary basin
5th World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering
December 05-07, 2016 Phoenix, USA

Anuordh Mohan Dayal


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol


Shale gas is natural gas produced from carbonaceous shale formations that typically function as both the reservoir and source rocks for the natural gas. Shale gas is typically a dry gas composed primarily of methane, but some formations do produce wet gas. Carbonaceous shales are organic-rich shale formations that were previously regarded only as source rocks and seals for gas accumulating in the strata near sandstone and carbonate reservoirs of traditional onshore gas development. In India, there are 28 sedimentary basins and some of the basins are rich with carbonaceous shales. We have carried out in Vindhyan basin, Damodar basin, Spiti-Zanskar basin, Cambay basin, Saurashtra basin and Kutch basin. Based on our data shales in Vindhyan, Damodar, Cambay, Saurashtra and Kutch basin are good source of shale gas. Based on our organic geochemical data, coring is to be carried out to study the core for their petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry and potential of shale gas.

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Email: dayalisotope@rediffmail.com