Management of industrial wastewater ocean discharge in Korea
Seoweon Jo
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Republic of Korea
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Coast Zone Manag
In August 2016, Korean press media released the news highlighting the discharge of hazardous chemicals from power plant into surfaces waters of the sea in Ulsan area. The power plant used antifoaming agent which contains hazardous substance (dimethylpolysiloxane) to reduce the formation of foam for cooling system. Ministry of Maritime Affaires and Fisheries in Korea announced that the plant violate the law (Marine Environment Management) because dimethylpolysiloxane (PDMS) is a prohibited substance to discharge into the sea as a Noxious Liquid Substances by MARPOL 73/78. However, there is no standard to apply as a noxious liquid substance and no one knows the power plant is in the scope of marine facilities of that law. ME (Ministry of Environment) and MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) argued, it is uncertain how to discharge and there is no standards to apply. In this reason, MOTIE and KITECH started feasibility study research of the regulations. This follow up study investigated how to treat and discharge wastewater containing hazardous chemicals from a facility, especially, power plants and companies in shore line. The primary objective is to find a reasonable method to make standards related in discharging industrial wastewater.
Seoweon Jo has completed her Masters from Inha University, Republic of Korea and working for Korea Institute of Industrial Technology as a Researcher. Her job is to support SMEs to well comply national/international environmental regulations through diverse program such as regular education, seminars, international workshops, etc. Also, she is doing on-line/off-line consultation regarding environmental regulations, especially chemical regulations for the companies.