Ichthyoplankton distribution in Samar Sea, Philippines

3rd International Conference on Coastal Zones and Oceanography
May 18-19, 2018 Singapore

Renato C Diocton, Danilo A Mabonga, Ricardo T Severo and Gerardo B Tome

Samar State University, Philippines

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Coast Zone Manag


Overall mean ichthyoplankton density at daytime (56 ind/100 m3), while taxon richness (family level) higher at near shore compare to offshore. These results are compared with observed diel patterns in other investigations. Monthly differences in overall egg and larval densities and composition are related to the station location, substrate and other factors. The relative similarity in daytime patterns in stations over deep water suggests that the substrates (seagrass beds and coral reefs) serve as shelters from predation during the daytime. The highest density of fish larvae was the family Bregmaceritidae of 16% identified followed by Apogonidae (pre-flexion) and Mullidae both shared 14% of the total sampled population in one year. Third place in terms of density was Leiognathidae of 13% of this is dominant in shallow sandy to muddy bottom. Next in rank was the Engraulidae (9%) and Exocoetidae (8%) while Serranidae and Apogonidae (flexion) both got 7%. Least was Lutjanidae and some unidentified larvae.

Biography :

Renato C Diocton has his expertise in assessment and evaluation in improving the coastal zone and marine protected areas. He has been involved in several projects on coastal aquaculture and fisheries biology particularly on marine biodiversity such as the use of square mesh windows and tortoise shape of mesh in cod end of shrimp trawl fisheries. Email:
