Physicians, surgeons or both? Shifting dentistry from the surgical model to the medical model
International Conference and Exhibition on Dentistry
March 18-20, 2015 Dubai, UAE

Elham Kateeb

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Background: As caries now is recognized as a complex disease, it is necessary to rethink the methods of diagnosis and treatment planning if the professionis to treat patients in the most efficient and effective manner. Objectives: This presentation will offer the recent research updates on how properly diagnoses a patient and customizes treatment plan that is very unique to this patient. Approach: This presentation aims to integrate the current knowledge of the caries process intoeveryday clinical practice with the focus on individualized risk assessment and targeted preventive modalities. Expected outcomes: At the end of this talk, dentists will learn about new concepts of cariology, new approaches to risk assessment and the recent updates in individual-based preventive modalities. This presentation will take us back to the future, where we should be: physicians first, diagnose and assist the patient inunderstanding and managing the disease processes and surgeons second, repair defects on the tooth surfaces!