T Andre Shirdan
The CREW Process, USA
Keynote: Oral Health Dent Manag
According to the America Dental Association, only 46% of American actually visit dentist. That means that less than half of your community is seeking care and the other half will never become patients. When you do capture a new patient, what keeps them in the ??active? status? How do you create the necessity for continued care? Marketing works, we know that, but in dentistry we know there is a capacity issue. There is so much time in the day and so many procedures we can do, that being said. If we are always getting new patients, the practices had to have lost patients. Otherwise, the practice would be overflowing with patients and we would be adding new rooms and providers about once every three years. So, why is it that so much time and money is spent on recall and reactivation? If you keep the patients you have and keep them on a cycle of preventive care, the new patients will only replace those who have died or moved away. Wishful thinking that is why there needs to be strong retention programs tied to the marketing and customer service protocols of the practice, creating a cycle of not just recall but retention.
T Andre Shirdan is an inspirational and motivational Speaker, Executive Coach and Certified Trainer. Since 1989, he has worked with thousands of practices helping to create systems for treatment planning, staff training, goal attainment, internal and external marketing and computer systems integration. He founded Systems Practice Management, Inc., a dental practice management, training and consulting firm. He is co-creating the non-surgical periodontal protocol Stat-Ck. He is best known for creating The CREW Process; a better way to define practice philosophy, bring consistency to treatment and gets the entire office in alignment.