Habil Revai Tamas
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Explorers and members of the armed forces frequently have to make expeditions in to unknown and hostile country, where the opportunities for obtaining food are either limited or altogether absent. In such circumstances the expedition has to take with it sufficient food for its members. Metabolic adaptation in military service to heat, cold, and high-altitude exposure may be accompanied by changes in nutrient requirements. Vitamins and minerals may reduce the increased oxidative stress in cold, heat or high altitude outdoor environments. The belief that nutrition has an effect upon susceptibility and resistance to infection seems logical and reasonable. The recorded history of mankind demonstrates repeatedly the close association between war, famine and infection. However, there is no doubt that malnourished soldiers in war conditions often have a low resistance to an infection once it is established. In 1942 the food supply and health provision was acceptable among the soldiers of the Royal Hungarian Army and no signs of kidney diseases and nephrotic syndrome (NS) could be seen. In August 1942 in Russia the temperature was plus 41°C and in January it was -16°C. May be that this indetermination in the temperature, undernutrition and starvation, accompanied with lack of fluids resulted in the greater frequency of the occurrence of kidney diseases and not punctually NS among the soldiers of the Royal Hungarian Army. In almost a year of the eastern front the 2nd Army lost 125.000 men, and dead, wounded or captured, only 70.000 returned.
Habil Revai Tamas is working at University of Obuda, Hungary.