Oral manifestations of adverse drug reactions
8th International Conference and Exhibition on Dentistry & Oral Care
April 18-20, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Maha Ali Al-Mohaya

Prince Sultan Military Medical City, KSA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to prescribed medications are quite common and may have a variety of clinical presentations in the oral cavity. An estimated 10-20% of hospital admissions are related to adverse drug reactions and in approximately 7% of those in the ambulatory setting. Mucocutaneous eruptions are often central to these untoward reactions. As newer therapeutic agents are approved, it is likely that more ADRs will be encountered. These ADRs have a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations that can mimic those of other disease states including both local and systemic conditions. ADRs mechanisms are not always known and ADRs are not always predictable since aspects other than drug pharmacodynamics and or pharmacokinetics as well as various interacting variables contribute to the final outcome. The benefits of using any particular medication must of course always be weighed against the side effects and some considerations include the necessity for the medication and availability of substitute agents, how severe the side effects are the frequency of occurrence of such ADRs, whether can be eliminated by lowering the dose and whether the ADRs may be easily treated.

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Email: malmohaya2013@gmail.com