Raul Huerta Ramirez, Almudena Molina Serrano, Adrian Capllonch Carrion, Isabel Sarrado Garcia, Brigitte Mozota Garcia, Patricia Nieva Tejado, Lorena Blazquez Gragera, Paula Danciu and Zoila Almeyda
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry
Introduction: Assistance for severe mental disorders in Brief Hospitalization Units usually tends to focus on its symptomatic stabilization by essentially pharmacological strategies. However, there are a lot of patients in whom the severity of the disorder is manifested at a functional rather than a symptomatic level, and history of traumatic life events precipitating the disorder that led to the hospitalization is commonly presented. Objective: To present the model of comprehensive care for severe mental disorders applied in Brief Hospitalization Unit (BHU) at Complejo Asistencial Benito Menni (Ciempozuelos, Madrid, Spain). Methodology: The assistance protocol for the service, as well as future lines of work in it, is presented. Two cases dealing with such care model are discussed. Results: The BHU care strategy is based on an integrated approach to patient problems beyond the merely symptomatic, examining also the functional and psychosocial elements affecting patient?s mental health. Specific evaluation strategies of both the patient?s functional status (according to the paradigm of the World Health Organization), and the presence of traumatic events in the past to allow an implementation of the treatments currently applied, are designed. Discussion / Conclusions: The model of care applied in the service and its proposals for future actions are related to the global trends of psychiatric assistance from public health protocols, also in parallel with current trends in other European countries, thus facilitating mental health recovery and greater satisfaction for patient.
Raul Ramirez is a psychiatrist at the Brief Hospitalization Unit in Complejo Asistencial Benito Menni (Spain), with special interests about research in nosological and medical features of severe mental disorders. At the present, he is implementing a protocol about functional evaluation of psychiatric patients, using the World Health Organization paradigm. These lines of research have led to several publications at scientific journals and professional meetings.