Nutrition and physical activity in obese subjects
Satellite Symposium for Euro Global Summit & Medicare Expo on Weight Loss
August 18-20, 2015 Frankfurt, Germany

Sonja Panovska

Univeristy of Bitola, Macedonia

Satellite Symposium-Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


Obese subjects have increased energy intake and reduced energy expenditure. Two groups of examinees answered tests questionnaires about nutrition and physical activity: group A with (BMI)<25kg/m2 and group B with BMI>30 kg/m2. In group B 50% of women (W) and 42% of men (M) and in group A only 8% of W were physicaly inactive (p<0.001). Less than 3 hours a day walk 100% of the group B examinees and 54% of the group A (p<0.001). More often watch TV 50% W and 33.33% M in group A, and in the group B 66.67% W and 50% M. Longer than 3h watch TV 38.89% W and 50% M in group B, that is higher than 8.33% W and 33.34% M in gr Ap<0.01 In group B 38.89% W and 42.86% M eat too much and 9.09% W from group A (p<0.001). Rare and much food take 35.29%W and 66.67%M in group B. Often and much food take 29.41% W and 16.67% M. All examinees from group B take food for less than 5 hours and 8.33% W and 40% M in group A. Hyper caloric food take 29.41%W and 85.71% obese M. Fast food is taken from 16.67% W and 14.28%M. Bread and paste are used in the group B in 77.78% W and 42.86% M, meat 33.33%W and 85.71% M, but use of fruits and vegetables was lowest compared to group A. Obese subjects are less physical active, have sedentary life and good appetite and take hyper caloric very often.

Biography :

Sonja Panovska is born on 20.12.1980 in Skopje, Macedonia. She is a student of nutrition at Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles, Macedonia. She has finished her secondary school as a nurse in 1999 at DSMU “Pance Karaghozov” Skopje, Macedonia. Since 2000, she works as a nurse at “University Clinic of Enocrinoloy, diabetes and metabolic disorders” Skopje, Macedonia. She has finished postgraduate studies of Master at Faculty of medicine “St.Cyril and Metodius” Skopje, Macedonia and has a title “Master of Public Health”. She is active in promoting health, education of obesity and diabetic patients at “University Clinic of Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic disorders” Skopje, Macedonia.
