Cris Renata Grou Volpe, Marina Morato Stival, Alisson Cesar Cardoso de Freitas, Luciano Ramos de Lima, Walterlania Silva Santos and Silvana Schwerz Funghettoa
University of Brasilia, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Aging Sci
This study aimed to identify the most prevalent nursing diagnoses in elderly patients in a geriatric ambulatory clinic of the Distrito Federal, Brazil, according to NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) Taxonomy II, relating them to the functional capacity scales. This cross-observational conducted with 40 elderly, with more than 65 years, treated at the geriatric outpatient clinic. We obtained at the end of 60 days, 40 patients, in March 2010. The scales of Lawton and Barthel were used. The chisquare test of Pearson to associates the level of significance p <0.05. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Health Department of the Distrito Federal. The most prevalent nursing diagnoses identified were: sensory perception troubled vision and hearing; decreased cardiac output; impaired dentition, ambulation and memory and falls risk. The diagnoses were related to the scales of Lawton and Barthel were: Mobility Impaired Physical; Falls risk; Impaired ambulation; Decreased cardiac output; Intolerance of the activity; Insomnia; Fatigue and Perfusion ineffective peripheral tissue. The elderly tend to have decreased functional ability, especially those older, and depending on performance of activities of daily living. The risk of falls was related to factors such as the use of assistive devices, difficulties in walking, impaired balance and physical mobility, decreased strength in the extremities and history of falls.
Cris Renata Grou Volpe is currently teaching at the University of Brasilia -UNB, Master of Health Sciences University of Sao Paulo and a PhD in Nursing at the Graduate Nursing Program (UNB). It has experience in nursing, with emphasis on fundamental nursing, medical and gerontology acting on the following topics: nursing in adult health and elderly, medicine, nursing in public health, semiotics and nursing process.