Novel biodetection materials sensors
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Cell and Gene Therapy
March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain

Jose Sanchez del Rio

Carlos III Madrid University, Spain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Stem Cell Res Ther


In this conference, a novel sensor based on carbon nanotubes to detect biomolecules is presented. Different molecules can be immobilized in an array of nanotubes so that change in the electrical properties of the novel sensor is detected. Although sensitivity is not high enough, it can be used to detect changes in tissues and cells.

Biography :

José Sánchez del Río has been working in the field of Biotechnology emphasizing on the Photonic Biosensors for more than 4 years. He did his PhD in Photonic Bio-Sensing and DNA Mutations Detection at Madrid Microelectronics Institute (IMM-CNM-CSIC). Then he worked in a private company as a Patent Researcher in Biometrics and Novel Sensors and after as a Post-doctoral fellow in the Face Recognition and Artificial Vision (FRAV) group of the Computer and Statistics department at Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). He has done 2 Post-doctorates in the Nuclear Physics Department at the Matter Structure Institute (IEM-CSIC) and was specialized in high energy ions, protons and gamma radiation detection. He was working as a SW/HW Testing Engineer in the Aerospace field for Alter Technology and now he is an Instrument Scientist at IMDEA and Associated Professor of Electronics at UC3M.
