Chandrashekhar G Raut
National Institute of Virology, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Vaccines Vaccin
India is fast growing country in diversified aspects. Emerging population requires different needs to be fulfilled in time. Having developing approach of the country, scope for multidisciplinary establishments is very high. Population is being engaged for various new developments. Ecotourism, bio-tourism, health tourism has already taken desirable shape. Demand for basic bio-needs and luxuries are growing continuously. Citizens have already developed a sense to have the quality and comfort life. Being a global village and change in lifestyle, different diseases are expected. To meet the requirements in time at prophylactic and therapeutic levels, huge commodities would be nearer solutions. Quality products would be in great demand with sustainability. To have and to maintain quality bio-products, in-vivo systems of defined quality would be the base for pre-clinical evaluation and periodical assessment. Presently India has very few facilities for breeding and supply of different in-vivo systems of known best quality. Centrally monitoring authority CPCSEA has laid the guidelines and made available to all registered laboratory animal facilities. Since 1998 CPCSEA with full force actively helping all the pharmaceutical, bio industries, academic and research institutes to create the lab animal facilities at par international. As a result, few of them progressed very well and maintaining quality with sustainability. As vaccines are going to be used widely for many diseases, for both human and animals, pre-clinical evaluation data on defined level of laboratory animals is going to be very useful. As per different international established guidelines, various species of laboratory animals would be useful in decided numbers. To have the best quality pre-clinical vaccine response, defined quality of in-vivo systems would contribute in a great concern. Genetically and microbiologically well proven different species of laboratory animals would be free from most of the common pathogens. Utilization of such highly defined pure quality of animals may not lead to transmit zoonotic diseases in the working place and the nearby environment. Vaccine industries would be greatly benefited by using such kind of specific pathogen free laboratory animals to derive the pre-clinical data. Hence the strong coordination among pharmaceutical, biotechnological, academic, research and laboratory animal industries is the need to have effective, useful and safe vaccine production.
Chandrashekhar G Raut has completed his DMV from Pune University. He is the Scientist-E cum Officer in-charge of National Institute of Virology, Bangalore. He has published more than 50 papers including reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member and reviewer.