Need based psychosocial intervention package for siblings of children with Autism spectrum disorder
Euro Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Psychiatry
July 20-22, 2015 Barcelona, Spain

Sudha Thomas, Krishna Reddy N and John Vijaya Sagar K

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Background: To date there have been very few studies which explored the subjective experiences and needs of typically developing siblings with a brother or sister with autism spectrum disorder and no studies incorporated both parents and siblings views about their experiences related to sibling with autism. Therefore, the aim of the current study was threefold: (1) to identify the psychosocial needs of typically developing siblings with a brother or sister with autism spectrum disorder and (2) to identify socio-demographic and disability characteristics associated with sibling mental health difficulties (3)to prepare a psychosocial intervention package based on needs of typically developing siblings with a brother or sister with autism spectrum disorder . Methods: Participants were 10 siblings (aged 8?13 years) of children with a brother or sister with autism spectrum disorder and their parents. Tools: (1) Researcher prepared and used a questionnaire which explores the different psychosocial issues of typically developing sibling (2) A semi-structured interview schedule was used with parents to explore their understanding about typically developing sibling. Results: Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis revealed need for knowledge about autism, needs to improve sibling relationship and needs to improve their own behavioral issues. Psychosocial intervention for the family and siblings is recommended to help them deal with their needs and feelings. Researcher prepare package of psychosocial intervention for siblings and parents on the basis of their felt need.

Biography :

Sudha Thomas has completed her MPhil in Psychiatric Social Work (pre doctoral) at the age of 25 years from National Institute of Mental Health And Neuroscience, India and currently doing her PhD at the same institute and she is working as senior research fellow in project entitled A study of brain imaging, neuropsychological profile, genetic markers and eye movements in the first degree relatives of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) She has published review articles in reputed journals and presented papers in different International and national conferences.